Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where is my green hill?

The above photo is of the construction work going on on my living-room side.

This used to be a lovely green hill.

This photo just shows 1/3rd of the ex-hill. It used to be so nice, full of birds of different kinds flying by so often. It was much cooler also, least of all or rather the most important feature of all was that the green hill was a soothing sight.

Now since the construction is ON, there is noise from 8 in the morning up to 5 or at times 6 in the evening, Monday- to Saturday!! There is just no escaping the noise.
It has become quite hot, and we can actually experience heat-waves when it has not rained for a couple of days.

They are building luxury homes here, individual units, each costing around 3.5 Million RM.
Talking of recession, I was thinking that maybe...just maybe they would halt or go slow on the construction, but No !! they seem to have enough funds to keep it going !! Actually I heard that this project was sold out in the first 3 months itself !!

One more thing I discovered about myself from this episode is that I love greenery, hills and peace & quiet. This has also strengthened my resolve for environment conservation.

1 comment:

Malina said...

Yes,greenery does cheer us up.It's a pity that your green hill is gone......