Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homeschooling moms

I am in awe of homeschooling mothers because they have taken the schooling of their children entirely in their own hands and doing so requires a lot of guts.

I find the concept of homeschooling quite appealing because the mother has a lot of freedom in designing the curriculum according to the interest of her child. Also,she can devote her attention fully to him and give him a lot of one-to-one attention.Recently,I have started giving some individual attention to Nayaz in the mornings when Zunairah is in school and I have already noticed improvement in the area of vocabulary and language.We do nursery rhymes,coloring or go for interesting outings nearby.Our time is cut short by his schedule as he has to set off for school around 10:15 am.

I was actually thinking of withdrawing my younger one out of school and homeschooling him.He is going to turn three and so he doesn't have much to lose even if I turn out to be a not-so-effective teacher-mum. But then I thought of the socializing part and I kind of backed out.He loves going to school these days.Also,what about the Mandarin part?I can't understand a thing that is in his mandarin report card but I believe that the early exposure that he is getting now in the mandarin classes will serve him well if we stay on in Singapore and even if we leave the country.

These reasons have kind of dampened my enthusiasm for homeschooling.But I keep reading about homeschooling as it fascinates me.


Neelum said...

Homeschooling has it's positive sides but it has down sides as well, like you rightly said about social skills. But I also feel that as the mother we might be blinded by a flaw that they may have and where as a trained eye of a teacher can spot it and correct it in the right way.
We can take homeschooling to a new level with the thoughts that we have to educate our kids about our country of origin, our culture, our festivals, rituals etc. This in itself will make them a wholesome person who will not feel like an outsider when we go back home for a vacation or for good.
So cheer up Malina, you are already homeschooling your kids....sit back and chill baby !!

Malina said...

You are right, Neelum.Parents are the first and the best teachers.