Monday, January 12, 2009

A long walk to freedom

This is the title of the Autobiography of Nelson Mandela, which I had bought recently. I was pretty excited about my first owned autobiography, you can read about it here in the past post.
It was actually a page-turner, each page filled with engrossing details, and they are put in such a lovely language, that one often stops and wonders where the man got such beautiful words from?
The book is quite detailed, but never gets boring, you want to read every word printed.

I will refrain from going into details of what is written as it might spoil the fun for some who have not read it so far.

For me the book had a few lessons in store, firstly, always to believe and stand by your principles; secondly to stand by your people; thirdly to look for the good in everyone else. Last but not the least is the lesson to always move ahead and look up in life.

I enjoyed this book immensely and recommend it to everyone.

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